Section outline
List of the problems:
- Path integrals in Quantum mechanics
- Inverse propagator D^−1
- Quantum harmonic oscillator
- Forced harmonic oscillator
- Effective action and Green's functions
- Phase space Path Integral
- Full scalar propagator in terms of 1PI 2pt function
- Physical mass and 2pt function
- On-shell renormalization description
- λφ^3 theory in 6 dimensions
- Cutkosky cutting rules
- Superficial degree of divergence
- β function for λφ^4 theory
- γ matrices
- Grassmann numbers
- Propagator in the axial gauge
- Ward identities in QED
- Scalar QED
- Fermion-scalar interaction
- Renormalization of electron field and mass
- Non-abelian gauge theories
- Fermion two-point function in non-abelian gauge theories
- Anomalies and Ward Identities I
- Anomalies and Ward Identities II
- Path integrals in Quantum mechanics