4. Public history
Section outline
Queste sezione NON è dedicata alla presentazione di progetti di public history, che sono elencati nella sezione n. 3, ma contiene l'indicazione solo di siti istituzionali o saggistica SULLA public history
In occasione della Conferenza regionale della Public History in Piemonte, svoltasi al Polo del ‘900 il 7 maggio 2018, è stata presentata e discussa pubblicamente la bozza del Manifesto della Public History italiana. Successivamente la bozza è stata discussa nella mailing list dei soci e nel corso dell’Assemblea di Pisa del 14 giugno 2018. Qui il testo finale che recepisce molte delle osservazioni pervenute.
La Public History (storia pubblica) è un campo delle scienze storiche a cui aderiscono storici che svolgono attività attinenti alla ricerca e alla comunicazione della storia all’esterno degli ambienti accademici nel settore pubblico come nel privato, con e per diversi pubblici.
È anche un’area di ricerca e di insegnamento universitario finalizzata alla formazione dei public historian. -
L’ Associazione Italiana di Public History e l’Università degli Studi di Salerno hanno stipulato una convenzione per l’implementazione di un archivio aperto dedicato agli studi di public history. È denominato ELPHi (Electronic Library of Public History) ed è finalizzato a raccogliere dati bibliografici, a conservare ed esporre documenti inediti o anche già pubblicati in altre sedi, digitali nativi o digitalizzati: monografie, articoli in riviste, contributi apparsi in miscellanee di studi o atti di convegni, capitoli di libri, recensioni o rassegne di dati bibliografici, contenuti audio o video, manifesti, locandine, fotografie, prodotti grafici; e qualsiasi altro contenuto o risorsa purché ritenuti coerenti con le linee di indirizzo del progetto.
NCPH inspires public engagement with the past and serves the needs of practitioners in putting history to work in the world by building community among historians, expanding professional skills and tools, fostering critical reflection on historical practice, and publicly advocating for history and historians.
Since 1978, The Public Historian has made its mark as the definitive voice of the public history profession, providing historians with the latest scholarship and applications from the field.
The Public Historian publishes the results of scholarly research and case studies and addresses the broad substantive and theoretical issues in the field. Areas of public history covered in the journal include public policy and policy analysis; federal, state, and local history; historic preservation; oral history; museum and historical administration; documentation and information services; corporate biography; exhibition, interpretation, and public engagement, and public history education. In addition, the journal publishes reviews of exhibits, historical films, media productions, videos, and digital projects. Those interested in serving as a reviewer for the journal should submit a Reviewer Application and visit the Info for Reviewers page.
The AHA has long been an advocate of public history and has regularly expressed a strong commitment to its practice. In 2001, the Council of the AHA created the Task Force on Public History, which submitted its final report to Council in January 2004. The report recommended that the Professional Division be responsible for ensuring continued progress on addressing the concerns of public historians.The AHA continues to partner with affiliates on initiatives of concern to public historians, as well as publish regularly on public history in Perspectives on History.
The Office of the Historian is staffed by professional historians who are experts in the history of U.S. foreign policy and the Department of State and possess unparalleled research experience in classified and unclassified government records. The Office’s historians work closely with other federal government history offices, the academic historical community, and specialists across the globe. The Office is directed by The Historian of the U.S. Department of State.
The Office of the Historian is responsible, under law, for the preparation and publication of the official documentary history of U.S. foreign policy in the Foreign Relations of the United States series.
In addition, the Office prepares policy-supportive historical studies for Department principals and other agencies. These studies provide essential background information, evaluate how and why policies evolved, identify precedents, and derive lessons learned. Department officers rely on institutional memory, collective wisdom, and personal experience to make decisions; rigorous historical analysis can sharpen, focus, and inform their choices. The Office of the Historian conducts an array of initiatives, ranging from briefing memos to multi-year research projects.
The Office of the Historian also promotes the declassification of documents to ensure a complete and accurate understanding of the past. -
in Officina della Storia, maggio 2020
in “Clionet. Per un senso del tempo e dei luoghi”, 4 (2020)
Serge Noiret, "“Public history” e “storia pubblica” nella rete, in Media e storia, a cura di F. Mineccia e L. Tomassini, num. spec. di Ricerche Storiche, a. XXXIX, n. 2-3, maggio-dicembre 2009.