Section outline
"Cina ed Europa nella storia globale (secoli XVIII-XIX)"
Chiave di iscrizione: GLOBHIST
Annunci e news di carattere generale
Cari studenti e studentesse,
vi invito a depositare in questa area di discussione le vostre domande e le vostre riflessioni sulle materie del corso di Storia Globale. Vi ricordo solo che quest'area non serve a rivolvere problemi personali (giustificazioni, chiarimenti sul programma, orari di ricevimento o altro di questo genere), bensì a discutere collettivamente temi e questioni inerenti al corso. Per esempio è consentito richiedere qui suggerimenti bilbiografici per approfondimenti, dato che questo è di interesse generale. Spero che approfittiate di questa opportunità. Buon lavoro, Guido Abbattista
Una guida sommaria contenente le istruzioni essenziali per la redazione di relazioni scritte e di tesi di laurea di argomento storico. Il testo contiene anche importanti avvertenze in materia di plagio e suggerimenti per l'uso di risorse Web per lo studio e la ricerca. A quest'ultimo proposito, è da vedere il contributo di Guido Abbattista, "Le risorse online per la storia moderna" apparso nel volume Il web e gli studi storici. Guida critica all’uso della rete, a cura di Rolando Minuti, Roma, Carocci Editore, 2015, pp. 225-266, accessibile qui.
Questa presentazione affronta il tema del contributo di G. T. Staunton (1781-1859) alla conoscenza della tradizione giuridica e del sistema della giustizia cinesi, collegando l'opera del sinologo inglese al dibattito settecentesco e di primo '800 sulla Cina, le sue istizioni, le sue leggi, la sua civiltà.
Lezione n. 1
Lezione n. 6
Lezione n. 11
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Lezione n. 2
Lezione n. 7
Lezione n. 12
Lezione n. 17
Lezione n. 22
Lezione n. 3
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Lezione n. 4
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Lezione n. 5
Lezione n. 10
Lezione n. 15
Lezione n. 20
Gapminder is a non-profit venture promoting sustainable global development and achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals by increased use and understanding of statistics and other information about social, economic and environmental development at local, national and global levels.
We are a modern “museum” that helps making the world understandable, using the Internet. Gapminder was founded in Stockholm by Ola Rosling, Anna Rosling Rönnlund and Hans Rosling on February 25, 2005. Gapminder is registered as a Foundation at Stockholm County Administration Board (Länstyrelsen i Stockholm).The initial activity was to continue development of the Trendalyzer software. This software unveils the beauty of statistical time series by converting boring numbers into enjoyable, animated and interactive graphics. The current version of Trendalyzer is available since March 2006 as Gapminder World, a web-service displaying time series of development statistics for all countries.
Authors: Anne Fredell, Jake Coolidge, Martin Lewis
The Demic Atlas project provides an alternative to the standard state-based system of mapping socio-economic data at the global scale. Whereas the independent countries that form the basic units of conventional maps vary in population by more than five orders of magnitude, the elemental units of the alternative scheme are defined at the same demographic scale, each containing roughly 100 million inhabitants. Such "demic regions," constructed from aggregations of smaller countries and divisions of larger ones, and are designed to group together areas of similar socio-economic standing. By employing such demographically comparable units, the Demic Atlas seeks to uncover patterns of spatial variation in global development that remains invisible on conventional maps.
The visualization presented allows the ready comparison of social and economic mapping within the state-based and demic frameworks. Three standard measurements of development are mapped: 1. nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which measures the total value (in US $) of goods and services produced in a given year in a specific territory; 2. GDP in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), which takes into account the fact that the same amount of money can purchase different quantities of goods and services in different parts of the world; and 3. the Human Development Index (HDI), a composite statistic that considers life expectancy, educational attainment, and economic production. Figures for nominal GDP and GDP in PPP are mapped in both aggregate and per capita terms
Estratti da Jürgen Osterhammel, Storia della Cina Contemporanea (Torino: Einaudi, 1989), pp. 1-301, Giorgio Borsa, La nascita del mondo moderno in Asia orientale (Milano, Rizzoli, 1977), capp. I-II, IV-V. Questi due testi costituiscono la parte obbligatoria del programma d'esame, per quanto riguarda la letteratura storiografica.
Sebastian Conrad, Storia globale. Un'introduzione (Roma, Carocci, 2015), pp. 17-44
Sono raccolte qui di seguito una serie di fonti primarie relative ai rapporti tra Europa (e Gran Bretagna in particolare) e Cina in epoca moderna, soprattutto tra '700 e '800. Vi sono compresi i testi di Raynal e di Barrow che costituiscono letture obbligatorie ai fini della preparazione dell'esame. E' possibile tuttavia sostituire questi due testi con altri o aggiungerne di ulteriori, previa approvazione del docente.
Matteo Ricci, Descrizione della Cina, libro I da Della entrata della Compagnia di Giesù e Christianità nella Cina (1622 [1615])
Edizione realizzata sotto la direzione di Piero Corradini, Prefazione di Filippo Mignini, A cura di Maddalena Del Gatto, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2000
Laurent (o Lorenz) Lange fu uno svedese entrato al servizio di Pietro il Grande e da questi inviato in missione diplomatica a Pechino nel 1715-1717 e successivamente nel 1720-1721 per curare gli interessi commerciali russi in Cina. Il resoconto del suo secondo viaggio fu pubblicato per la prima volta in tedesco nel 1723, poi in inglese, col titolo Journal of Laurence Lange's Travels to China, nel 1726. Contemporanea è l'edizione francese col titolo Journal de la residence du Sieur Lange, agent […] à la cour de la Chine. Leyde, 1726, sulla quale fu effettuata la traduzione inglese pubblicata nel 1763 e qui presentata. L'edizione francese era stata compresa anche nel vol. V del Recueil des Voyages au Nord, edito nel 1734. I viaggi di Lange, pertanto, erano largamente noti all'opinione europea del '700 e certamente erano stati letti e utilizzati, tra gli altri, da Montesquieu.
La cartella contiene pagine tratte dal vol. II di Bell, John (1691-1780), Travels from St. Petersburg to Diverse Parts of Asia, Glasgow, 1763, riguardanti il soggiorno alla corte imperiale a Pechino. Da ricordare che il viaggio di John Bell si svolse negli anni 1720-1721, mentre la sua relazione apparve in due volumi in inglese, a Glasgow, solo nel 1763. John Bell è considerato il viaggiatore anglofono (scozzese nel caso specifico) più importante e l'autore del resoconto sulla Cina più significativo (apparso, ricordiamo, nel 1763) prima dell'ambasciata di Lord Macartney. Da ricordare inoltre che nel secondo volume dei Travels fu pubblicata un'altra importate relazione riguardante la medesima spedizione a Pechino, quella dello svedese Laurent Lange, membro anch'egli dell'ambasciata russa, e che è qui disponibile tra le "Fonti". Nella cartella è compreso anche un saggio relativo alla permanenza di Bell in Persia.
Pagine dedicate alla Cina nel vol. I della traduzione italiana di Raynal effettuata da Traduzione italiana eseguita da Giuseppe Ramirez (pseud. Remigio Pupares) sotto la supervisione di Giovanni Domenico Stratico e pubblicata a Siena, Luigi e Benedetto Bindi, in 18 volumi in 8° tra il 1776 e il 1777. La traduzione fu eseguita sulla seconda edizione dell'Histoire des Deux Indes (La Haye, 1774). Queste pagine corrispondono a quello che nella terza edizione francese diverrà il cap. XX, "Etat de la Chine selon ses panegyristes".
Traduzione effettuata collegialmente dagli studenti del corso di Storia globale 2015-2016 a partire dal testo dell’edizione inglese a cura di J. O. Justamond, London, printed for W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1783, 8 voll. in-8°, vol. I, pp. 151-196. Il testo inglese, che si rifà alla III edizione dell’Histoire raynaliana, si caratterizza per una certa libertà sintattica e lessicale rispetto all’originale francese e così, di conseguenza, la presente versione italiana. Quest’ultima può essere utilmente confrontata con quella effettuata da Giuseppe Ramirez a Siena nel 1776-1777, che venne eseguita sul testo della II edizione dell’Histoire (La Haye, 1774) e di cui si dà il testo separatamente in questa stessa sezione di Moodle. La presente traduzione è stata compiuta a completamento della scelta antologica Storia filosofica e politica degli insediamenti e del commercio degli europei nelle Due Indie, curata da Alessandro Pandolfi, Milano, Rizzoli, 2010, nella quale è presentato il capitolo XXI del libro I (“La Cina secondo i suoi detrattori”, riprodotto in questa stessa sezione), ma non il presente cap. XX, che è invece fondamentale per registrare l’evoluzione dell’opinione illuministica a proposito della Cina.
Pierre Sonnerat (18 August 1748 – 31 March 1814) was a French naturalist and explorer.
Sonnerat was the nephew of the botanist Pierre Poivre (mother of Pierre Sonnerat, Benoîte Poivre, was a cousine of Pierre Poivre). He made several voyages to southeast Asia, visiting the Philippines and Moluccas between 1769 and 1772, and India and China from 1774 to 1781. He was the first person to give a scientific description of the south Chinese fruit tree lychee. His books included Voyage à la Nouvelle-Guinée (1776) and Voyage aux Indes orientales et à la Chine, fait depuis 1774 jusqu'à 1781 (1782). -
L'article "Chine" in the second volume of the Encyclopédie Méthodique, Jurisprudence, 1783, with bookmarks and annotations
Dal DNB (vol. I, voce di Richard Garnett) ALEXANDER, WILLIAM (1767–1816), artist, and first keeper of prints and drawings in the British Museum, was born at Maidstone 10 April 1767. He became a student at the Royal Academy in 1784, and in 1792 proceeded with Lord Macartney's embassy to China as junior draughtsman. All the drawings illustrative of the expedition were made by him, in consequence, as it is stated, of the incompetence of his nominal superior. Some of them were published as illustrations of Sir George Staunton's account of the embassy in 1797; in 1798 Alexander himself published Views of the Headlands, Islands, &c., taken during the voyage to China, and he also illustrated Barrow's Travels in China, 1804, and Voyage to Cochin China,1806. In 1805 he published a volume of engravings illustrative of the Egyptian antiquities in the British Museum taken from the French expeditionary force; and in the same year appeared The Costume of China, illustrated in forty-eight coloured engravings, accompanied by explanatory letterpress. He also completed the drawings from Daniell's sketches which accompanied Vancouver's Voyage to the North Pacific, and published in 1813 Picturesque Representations of the Dress and Manners of the Austrians. In 1802 he had become professor of drawing at the military college at Great Marlow; and in 1808, some serious losses having shown the necessity for a more vigilant care of the prints and drawings in the British Museum, he was appointed their keeper, with the style and rank of assistant keeper of the antiquities department. His most important work at the museum was executing the drawings and superintending the engraving of the ancient marbles and terra-cottas comprised in the first four volumes of the great collection published by the trustees in 1810 and subsequent years. He died of brain-fever on 23 July 1816. Alexander was a first-rate draughtsman and excellent engraver; as a man he was amiable, charitable, and unassuming. He meditated a work on the ancient historical crosses of England, for which he had made extensive collections. A lithographed facsimile of his narrative of a journey to Beresford Hall in Derbyshire, the seat of Cotton the angler, was published by Russell Smith in 1841. [Gent. Mag. lxxxvi. pt. ii. pp. 279–80, 369–371; Russell's History of Maidstone, pp. 397–8; Pikington's Dictionary of Painters.]
Chrétien-Louis de Guignes (1759-1845) fu un sinologo francese, figlio dell'illustre accademico Joseph de Guignes, nonché console francese a Canton. Grazie alle sue conoscenze liguistiche, partecipò in qualità di interprete all'ambasciata a Pechino di Isaac Titsingh e Andreas Everardus Van Braam Houckgeest per conto della Compagnia Olandese delle Indie Orientali (1794-1795). Pubblicò successivamente, nel 1808, il proprio Voyage à Pékin, Manille et l'Ile de France (Paris: Imprimérie Royale, 1808, 3 voll. in 8°). La parte qui presentata corrisponde alle pp. 147-476 del vol. II. Su Chrétien-Louis e Joseph v. le voci della Biographie Universelle qui riportate.
Sino-European relations in the early modern era: structure and evolution of commerce and trade (1550-1860)
Adriano Prosperi, "Lo specchio del diverso", in J. Gernet, Cina e cristianesimo, (1982), Casale, Marietti, 1984, pp. ix-xxiv
Filippo Mignini, "Matteo Ricci e la Cina dei Ming", in Matteo Ricci, Descrizione della Cina, Macerata, Quoidlibet, 2011, pp. 145-180
Questa voce del Dictionnaire Montesquieu online presenta le idee del président sulla Cina, inserendole nei dibattiti contemporanei.
Fa parte di Etiemble, Conosciamo la Cina ?, Milano, Il Saggiatore, 1972, pp. 59-87
Fa parte di D. A. Harvey, The French Enlightenment and its Others, New York, Palgrave, 2012, pp. 41-68
Dal sito della British Library:
"China Trade is one of the main features in the East India Company archives, now part of the India Office Records. The East India Company's relations with China were fraught with complications from the early 17th century to the mid 19th century".
La pagina offre una ricostruzione sommaria, integrata da mappe e immagini coeve, della storia delle relazioni tra Gran Bretagna - la East India Company in particolare - e la Cina fino alla vigilia della prima Guerra dell'Oppio. -
The Middle Kingdom, as a relatively unknown advanced civilisation, held a unique position in Enlightenment thought, as Europeans tried to understand a widening world and their own place in it. European views of China in the early modern period have been widely studied.
While the predominant paradigm has been to analyse a shift from sinophilia to sinophobia, disagreements over the extent, nature and timing of this shift suggest that the rigid juxtaposition may not always be useful. In order to highlight the importance of the particular topic to the constructions of China in eighteenth-century European thought, this paper examines the way primary sources and scholars viewed one particular aspect of China: Its system of government.
This paper will consider views of China related to Adam Smith’s main duties of government (the art and science of war, the administration of justice and public institutions) and how these duties were to be paid for (the public revenue). Discussions of China’s government married interest in the advanced civilisation of China with that characteristic Enlightenment project to define, explain and reflect on the meaning of civilisation and progress. A surprising degree of consensus is found, calling into question the conventional juxtaposition of sinophilia and sinophobia. Moreover, eighteenth-century European observers did not approach China with assumptions of superiority; on the contrary, there was a degree of civilisational relativism in their outlook, and at times China was seen as offering useful lessons. This approach also allows us to consider those questions with which Enlightenment thinkers did not turn towards China for answers, and ask the reasons for such omissions. China was dismissed as a useful model because it was deemed in many ways to be a unique case that could not be worked into the universal models that characterised the European Enlightenment. -
Saggio compreso nel volume Encountering Otherness. Diversities and Transcultural Experiences in Early Modern European Culture, Trieste, EUT, 2011, pp. 205-222.
"This paper examines the European confrontation with and conceptualization of the China trade in the early modern world, and in particular during the Enlightenment. International trade was of central importance to Enlightenment conceptions of wealth. As Daniel Defoe – the famed champion of the merchant class – wrote, “the rising greatness of the British nation is not owing to war and conquests, to enlarging its dominion by the sword, or subjecting the people of other countries to our power; but it is all owing to trade, to the increase of our commerce at home, and extending it abroad”1. European philosophers and a broader set of commentators that included popular geographers and merchants hotly debated international trade. These debates portrayed China as having a more cautious, restricted view of foreign trade"
Sono qui riprodotte le pagine introduttive e una porzione del II capitolo della raccolta documentaria pubblicata nel 1954 da Fairbank e Ssu-yü e riedita nel 1979.
Joseph Needham, Scienza e civiltà in Cina. Volume I. Lineamenti introduttivi, Torino, Einaudi, 1981 [ed. or. inglese, Cambridge, 1954]
Simon Winchester's lecture on Joseph Needham at the City University of New York, October 7, 2008
"The Opium War is a 1997 Chinese historical epic film directed by Xie Jin. The winner of the 1997 Golden Rooster and 1998 Hundred Flowers Awards for Best Picture, the film was screened in several international film festivals, notably Cannes and Montreal. The film tells the story of the First Opium War of 1839-1842, which was fought between the Qing Empire of China and the British Empire, from the perspectives of key figures such as the Chinese viceroy Lin Zexu and the British naval diplomat Charles Elliot. Unlike many of its contemporaries, The Opium War was strongly supported by the state apparatus. Despite its clear political message, many Western commentators found the treatment of the historical events to be generally even-handed. At the time of its release, The Opium War, with a budget of US$15 million, was the most expensive film produced in China.It was released to coincide with the Hong Kong handover ceremony in July 1997" (URL: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Opium_War_%28film%29>)
See also Internet Movie Database: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120538/
- China in Revolution, Part 1, "Battle for Survival (1911-1936)" (57' 48") & "Fighting for the Future (1936-1949)" (durata totale: 1h 53' 37")
- China in Revolution, Part 2, "The Mao Years (1949-1976)": "Catch the Stars and the Moon (1949-1960)" (59') & "It's Right to Rebel" (durata totale: 1h 54' 53")
- China in Revolution, Part 3, "Born under the Red Flag (1976-2011)": "Surviving Mao" (54' 20") & "Born under the Red Flag" (durata totale: 1h 51' 50")
The Rise of the Great Powers is a 12-part Chinese documentary television series produced by CCTV. It was first broadcast on CCTV-2 from 13 to 24 November 2006.[1] It discusses the rise of nine great powers: Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, Russia (Soviet Union), and the United States.
The documentary "endorses the idea that China should study the experiences of nations and empires it once condemned as aggressors bent on exploitation" and analyses the reasons why the nine nations rose to become great powers, from the Portuguese Empire to American hegemony.[1] The series was produced by an "elite team of Chinese historians" who also briefed the Politburo on the subject." In the West the airing of Rise of the Great Powers has been seen as a sign that China is becoming increasingly open to discussing its growing international power and influence—referred to by the Chinese government as "China's peaceful rise."
The state-run People's Daily reported that each of the 12 episodes of The Rise of the Great Powers ran at the prime time 9:30 p.m. slot, and each show lasted 50 minutes, totaling 600 minutes. The program included interviews with noted historians and academics, including Paul Kennedy, who wrote the influential book The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, and Joseph Stiglitz, who won a Nobel Prize in Economics. Political leaders, such as former French president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir bin Mohamad, were also interviewed."[2]
It has been dubbed in English and shown on History Channel under the title "Rising of Great Powers".
The entire series is visible on Youtube at the link:
In questa sezione sono indicate, complete di URL, alcune risorse online rilevanti per lo studio della Cina, soprattutto dal punto di vista delle relazioni con il mondo occidentale in età moderna e contemporanea
Chine ancienne présente, en téléchargement gratuit (formats pdf et doc), une bibliothèque d'ouvrages du domaine public sur la Chine impériale, sur son histoire, ses coutumes, ses religions, sa morale, ses grands hommes, son art, sa littérature.
Bibliotheca Sinica 2.0 explores Sino-Western encounters by ways of texts and images published before 1939 and is intended as an extension of the bibliography Western Books on China in Libraries in Vienna/Austria, 1477-1939.
Bibliotheca Sinica 2.0 aims to provide information on digitized books on China (published up to 1939) freely available in digital repositories (see: references) all over the world. By this means our project wants to facilitate further research on the various aspects of the history of Western perceptions and Sino-Western relations. To maintain this, references to some major bibliographies are provided.
- The Rise and Fall of the Canton System. I. China in the World (1700-1860s) <http://ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/21f/21f.027/rise_fall_canton_01/cw_essay01.html>
- The Rise and Fall of the Canton System. II. Macau & Whampoa anchorage <http://ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/21f/21f.027/rise_fall_canton_02/cw_essay01.html>
- The Rise and Fall of the Canton System. III. Canton & Hong Kong <http://ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/21f/21f.027/rise_fall_canton_03/cw_essay01.html>
- The Rise and Fall of the Canton System. IV. Image Galleries <http://ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/21f/21f.027/rise_fall_canton_04/index.html>
The Fairbank Chinese History Virtual Library was founded to facilitate easy access to sources of
modern Chinese historical information on the internet. This project is dedicated to the memory of Harvard Sinologist John King Fairbank (1907-1991). Many thanks to Wilma Fairbank who gave her consent for this project to bear her husband's name.
Parag Khanna, , Connectography: Mapping the Future of Global Civilization (New York: Random House, 2016)
Embree, Ainslie Thomas, and Carol Gluck. Asia in Western and World History: A Guide for Teaching. M.E. Sharpe, 1997.